Love Issue Oracle – Best Love Oracle Cards for Love Readings 戀愛心理神諭卡
Love Issue Oracle Cards – Ray Chang & Camille Ting
This deck comes with 48 cards, a tin box, and a card pouch, so it’s both comprehensive and portable. Featuring a colorful marker handwriting design, the Love Issue Oracle Cards offer insights into common issues faced in relationships and trauma, such as triggers, trust issues, being cheated on, and the need for healing time. With this deck, you’ll learn how to improve yourself, love yourself more and tackle the fears and problems that can arise in relationships.
What’s really cool about the Love Issue Oracle Cards is that they focus on psychology, offering valuable advice and mental health tips.
戀愛心理神諭卡 Love Issue Oracle © Ray Chang & Camille Ting
這套神諭卡包括48張中英對照字卡,能夠幫你更好地理解和解決感情中的問題,戀愛心理神諭卡 rAe(懸空客棧rAe)& Camille Ting(喵黛麗)用馬克筆亮麗色彩詮釋戀愛中的酸甜苦辣,以及牌卡中的文字為專業心理學中改善兩性關係的建議與自我照顧的方式,旨在面對問題、解決問題。
❤️ Size:6* 9 CM
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